Dienstag, 24. November 2009


update update update y_____y!
not much happened, kinda busy, there you go.

a fury without color and anger:

the fear:

the fury (au :'C):

mantis and a younger self of him, want to draw a comic about his past some day..... maybe:

and schlonz-spy. 10 min i guess :/

au revoir~

Dienstag, 10. November 2009


something disgusting:

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i love uzumaki Q_Q

a gasmask:

and ilya aka young mantis:

Sonntag, 8. November 2009

Schöpfung Digital

i took part in a game development workshop and man... it was so great.
there were 4 groups: level design, programming, graphic design and the sound department~
and the main task was to develop a christmas game ;_; with a heavy metal santa claus who carries a bazooka ;___;
i was among the graphic designers and we had to create the enemies *___* FUN!

here is a model of my walking elf

we hadn't that much time y__y 2 days to be exact so it's not much but i'm kinda proud of it~ especially because it was the first time i've worked with a group of people on a project like that and i am still stunned that it went so well : D!

i hope that the game'll go online in a few days so i can post the link here~

our 4 workshopleaders: level design, programming, sound and graphic design~

they were so awesome :'/
thanks, it was great!

Freitag, 6. November 2009


my first blog and my first post Q__Q!
i hope i don't mess stuff up...

so welcome to my sketchblog : D!
ahh and here we go~ some stuff to practice the wonderful way to post pictures

here, have some snails:

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and i started to play infamous. so. awesome.
ugly speedpaint is ugly, 0,000034 nanosecs!

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